Åsa Lindquist Bush, som levt en del av sitt liv i nordvästra Skottland, introducerar filmen ”The Slope” som spelats in av hennes son Ewan Bush. Vi får se en film om en unik plats i de skotska högländerna, där de milda fuktiga Atlantvindarna får eukalyptus och andra sydliga växter att trivas tillsammans med den inhemska floran.
Plats: Kulturen. Ingen avgift för medlemmar i Lunds Trädgårdssällskap, övriga
inträde till Kulturen.
Nedan kan du se några vackra bilder från filmen.
Så här skriver Ewan G Bush om filmen:
’The Slope’ (Backen)
In early 2020 at the height of the pandemic, I began filming in the wild garden my mother Åsa and her partner Bengt had created on the hillside at our family home in Scotland. In the absence of Åsa and Bengt visiting from Sweden, how would the garden fair and what would become of the exotic plantings they had nurtured over the years ?
This short film is a personal contemplation on the uncertainty of our times and alludes to the fragility of our existence in a natural world under stress. We fear the unknown of which we have no control and the breakdown of the natural order of the world around us. In our passing nature will one day find a balance and the wild garden will take on its own new form whatever that may be. Of this we can be certain.
Ewan G Bush